Flutter Guide for noobs


1 min read

Most of us have heard that one can make apps these days that have a single code base and work on IOS, Android, and the web. The two major Technologies which allow one to do this are React and Flutter. Flutter is more well suited for mobile apps while React Native might be slower.

The app development process in flutter is simpler and faster compared to Android and as time progresses it is becoming more popular.

Flutter apps are made using their own programming language called Dart. Those who program in javascript will get used to it much faster than you might think.

The first resource I recommend following to learn Dart and building apps in Flutter is the playlist by the Youtuber Net Nijas Flutter.

There are many libraries available for Flutter and they can be found on the pub.dev website.

Firebase can be used as the backend for Flutter and one can learn how to do so from Net Ninjas Flutter with Firebase playlist.

To learn by building projects you can follow the 30 days of Flutter challenge playlist by the YouTuber Kilo Loco in which he builds an app for every video.

Flutter can be used with both VS Code and Android Studio but one must have Android Studio to easily test their apps on an Android Emulator.